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Absolute Beginner: "na toll"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_rio
Match February 8, 2002, 18:21:24
Player Absolute Beginner
Time February 8, 2002, 18:44:44
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
44:19 tutnixzursache   ey donald du duffy?
44:33 Erd[BAER]Kuchen   ?????
44:35 Erd[BAER]Kuchen   enien
44:37 HeadbanG   forgive tk
44:41 Donald Duck   ?
44:44 Absolute Beginner CT na toll
44:49 tutnixzursache   ne anscheinend nicht
44:49 HeadbanG   timeleft
45:00 tutnixzursache   alle votemap 13
45:00 Absolute Beginner   eigentlich wollte ich den headbang plattmachen
45:02 [EKK] oBeReEtAgE   campwar

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8 Counter-Terrorists - 7 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
bullets|dyn@staR 21 4 0 0
Ich kotz mit !!!!k 12 6 0 0
>bTCe 7 7 0 0
-|SoI|- Madball 5 1 0 0
Absolute Beginner 1 1 0 0
Donald Duck 1 4 0 1
TtB 0 1 0 0
  8 Terrorists - 4 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
Wasserspritze 19 7 0 1
Erd[BAER]Kuchen 16 7 1 0
tutnixzursache 13 11 0 0
[fantast1cz]-=Takka=- 8 10 0 0
HeadbanG 6 11 0 0
-|SoI|- **P@L@DIN** *t* 3 9 0 0
[EKK] oBeReEtAgE 3 11 0 0
[EKK] uNtErEeTaGe 2 4 1 0
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