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[PoPP]Rulez: "wo ich bin yu fuss"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_assault
Match February 6, 2002, 18:28:19
Player [PoPP]Rulez
Time February 6, 2002, 18:40:16
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
39:52 DreiHodenH@ns   moin moin prinz
39:53 [PoPP]Rulez   axl noch 5 min.
39:58 DreiHodenH@ns T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:H&K MP5-Navy ***
39:59 DreiHodenPrinz   da camp ich die ganze yei...
40:05 ][CsN][Axl*Foley[PoPP]   jsa bring ziesen nachher mit
40:16 [PoPP]Rulez CT wo ich bin yu fuss
40:25 ][CsN][Axl*Foley[PoPP]   forgive ta
40:33 -|SoI|- **P@L@DIN** *t*   BITTE??
41:10 ][CsN][   sry
41:12 DreiHodenH@ns T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
41:57 -|SoI|- Shinji_Ikari   forgive ta

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