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-d3xt0r-: "sauber rantan"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match February 5, 2002, 16:04:38
Player -d3xt0r-
Time February 5, 2002, 16:11:07
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
09:42 -|SoI|- Eonar T -= hab etwas Geld Wumme =-
09:43 ][CsN][***MadGreg***   vote cs_eo_for_bundeskanzler
09:43 -d3xt0r-   re eo
10:45 -|SoI|- Eonar   -= I_ o I_ =-
11:06 -|SoI|- Eonar T -= hab etwas Geld Wumme =-
11:07 -d3xt0r- CT sauber rantan
11:10 ThaToast T jhuuu ne colt
11:11 -=[DIA|CS]=- Rantanplan   thx
11:13 -EdwArD-   1 hp :)
11:20 -d3xt0r- T aha
11:29 -|SoI|- Eonar   -= vote cs_greg_for_president =-

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