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][CsN][*|*SlaVe*|*][mTa][: "mmh"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust
Match January 27, 2002, 10:43:54
Player ][CsN][*|*SlaVe*|*][mTa][
Time January 27, 2002, 11:28:39
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
28:22 ][CsN][sTyLOr   oh
28:26 ][CsN][sTyLOr   na ich kom mhalt ruebr
28:27 ][CsN][@xlfol3y   ja oh spacken
28:31 ][CsN][LuckY-StrikE][T][ T wie alt bist du denn?
28:35 [EKK] BonGofit   hey jungs ich spiel erst wieder seid 2 tagen
28:39 ][CsN][*|*SlaVe*|*][mTa][ CT mmh
28:45 ][CsN][LuckY-StrikE][T][ T achso
28:47 ][CsN][LuckY-StrikE][T][ T rofl
28:48 ][CsN][@xlfol3y   das braucht tocvha ;)
28:51 ][CsN][LuckY-StrikE][T][ T komm on fight
28:52 ][CsN][*|*SlaVe*|*][mTa][   mann was lsolln das ehii tocha

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