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[BAER]enschwanz: "vote de_dust2"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_parma1
Match January 22, 2002, 01:20:37
Player [BAER]enschwanz
Time January 22, 2002, 01:47:01
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
46:32 Suppenhuhn   vote test
46:43 =HIV=BananaJoe   schade kasperle
46:43 Kasperle T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
46:48 [BAER]enschwanz   WAS CAMPST N DA SO RUM BANANE ???? !
46:51 treffnix   vote de_dust2
47:01 [BAER]enschwanz CT vote de_dust2
47:03 >bTCa   was denn nu los
47:04 Suppenhuhn   vote de_tpoint
47:07 Kasperle   vote de_village
47:07 >bTCa   alle schon da :(
47:15 >bTCa   vote de_52leon

[Hide Scoreboard]

8 Counter-Terrorists - 7 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
][CsN][Mitnal 16 13 1 0
HeadbanG 14 12 0 0
Kasperle 14 13 0 0
=HIV=BananaJoe 11 11 0 0
|jaeger|meister 5 4 0 0
-|SoI|- Doc Green 5 13 0 0
treffnix 4 10 0 0
Hybrid__wolf 1 7 0 0
  9 Terrorists - 8 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
CC|Fastjack 18 9 0 0
[BAER]enschwanz 18 9 1 0
>bTCa 13 9 0 0
CC|Beorn 13 9 0 0
Omas Liebling 11 12 0 0
Fruzelmuzel 10 8 0 0
Suppenhuhn 8 5 0 0
][CsN][incoGnito[EKK] 7 14 0 0
CC|Master 6 11 0 0
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