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][CsN][stYLe: "vote de_dust"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_nuke
Match January 17, 2002, 17:11:39
Player ][CsN][stYLe
Time January 17, 2002, 17:37:52
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
37:12 NoChMaLnOcHmAl   jo war gewollt ;)
37:16 -|SoI|- Alex Bourton T -=| Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor |=-
37:23 NoChMaLnOcHmAl   zuckt auch wie sau tocha d feiges huhn einfach abhauen
37:35 ERnO*goebel*   vote de_aztec
37:49 -|SoI|- Alex Bourton   vote cs_office
37:52 ][CsN][stYLe CT vote de_dust
37:53 Q_Frutti   auuuu
37:56 -|SoI|- Ann Bourton   vote cs_office
37:58 |YY|Ragnarock   vote de_aztec
38:04 Q_Frutti   vote cs_office
38:11 [DontPanic]Arthur Dent   vote de_aztec

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