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[EKK]Songoku: "------- LOOOOOOOOOL -------"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust
Match January 5, 2002, 11:09:42
Player [EKK]Songoku
Time January 5, 2002, 11:44:15
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
43:22 -=[C.o.Re]=-Couse T awm
43:57 -=[C.o.Re]=-Couse T wir muessen den haustunnel stuermen !!!
44:03 -=[C.o.Re]=- FreeSpacE   lasst doch ma die scheiss awm
44:09 Camper   hehe]
44:09 bullets|Glocke   ggg
44:15 [EKK]Songoku CT ------- LOOOOOOOOOL -------
44:24 Camper   is doch GLOCKS LIEBLINGSWAFFE
44:30 Camper   stimnmts??
44:34 bullets|Glocke   jup
44:45 Camper   meine SIG und AUG
45:01 -=[C.o.Re]=- FreeSpacE   du kannst mich garnich gesehen haben..

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