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-=[ COLT ]=-: "sorry"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_torn
Match January 3, 2002, 05:12:23
Player -=[ COLT ]=-
Time January 3, 2002, 05:16:20
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
15:52 -=[ CATWOMAN ]=- T vercheckt
15:55 -=[ CATWOMAN ]=- T so :)
15:59 -=[ BATMAN ]=- T ich geh gleich oben oder so :)
16:06 -=[ CATWOMAN ]=- T LINKS
16:19 -=[ BATMAN ]=- T thx
16:20 -=[ COLT ]=- CT sorry
16:55 ACID_rAiN   sory
17:21 AMOKHAHN   nacht zusammen
17:25 -=[ CATWOMAN ]=-   n8
17:28 -=[ COLT ]=-   n8
17:59 ACID_rAiN   vote de.rats3

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