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Private Paula: "komm in meine arme !!!"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match December 23, 2001, 15:44:08
Player Private Paula
Time December 23, 2001, 15:50:45
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
50:07 bullets|badwolf T - Weapon dropped -
50:09 ][CsN][Schneebunny   ach paula du camper
50:14 Private Paula   lol
50:15 ][CsN][Schneehagel   waas war das denn
50:29 Private Paula   kann mich doch verstecken wenn ich dich hoer
50:45 Private Paula CT komm in meine arme !!!
52:00 bullets|Glocke   mir will nichts gelingen
52:02 bullets|badwolf T - Defusing the Bomb - 132
52:04 bullets|badwolf T - Defusing the Bomb - 132
52:23 bullets|badwolf T - Defusing the Bomb - 132
52:39 ]*X*[~K@LoS~]   SoJ campers

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7 Counter-Terrorists - 0 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
SoJ.eXecutor 6 4 0 0
]*X*[~K@LoS~] 2 2 0 0
|SoJ.Cide 2 2 0 0
][CsN][Schneebunny 2 3 0 0
Foxi 2 4 0 0
Ted 0 1 0 0
  7 Terrorists - 2 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
bullets|Glocke 4 1 0 0
-|SoI|- Papa Schlumpf 4 3 0 0
|YY| God Like 4 4 0 0
CC|Kane 3 0 0 0
bullets|badwolf 3 1 0 0
Private Paula 3 4 0 0
][CsN][Schneehagel 2 1 0 0
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