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SCHNITZELjagd: ">>>>> ARMED WITH : H&K MP5-Navy <<<<< "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_bahrain
Match December 11, 2001, 00:55:39
Player SCHNITZELjagd
Time December 11, 2001, 01:16:58
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
16:14 CC|Schulterkrueppel   2m daneben gezielt und getroffen ,dein vorderman dagegen im visier und nix
16:15 CC|Schulterkrueppel T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:H&K MP5-Navy ***
16:53 |YY|jaegermeister   -=muahhahahhahahahahhahahahah a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhh-=
16:57 |YY|jaegermeister   goil
16:58 bullets|kasperle -t- T sry
16:58 SCHNITZELjagd CT >>>>> ARMED WITH : H&K MP5-Navy <<<<<
16:59 CC|Schulterkrueppel T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Benelli M3 Super90 ***
17:01 >bTCa   ehhe
17:25 SCHNITZELjagd T >>>>> ARMED WITH : H&K MP5-Navy <<<<<
17:27 >bTCa   heee
17:27 CC|Schulterkrueppel T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Steyr Scout ***

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