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soiche|amok|Doc: "jetzt werd ich aber suaer"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match November 21, 2001, 01:02:19
Player soiche|amok|Doc
Time November 21, 2001, 00:32:21
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
31:52 - elwood - T - MP5 -
31:52 soiche|amok|Doc   alda feldwebel allueren oder was?
31:53 soiche|amok|inyx   alles rockt was ohne hose zockt :)
32:17 - elwood -   SORRY !!!
32:19 - elwood - T - Dropped Weapon -
32:21 soiche|amok|Doc CT jetzt werd ich aber suaer
32:26 klopperkommando of 809 T so, cu
32:32 soiche|amok|inyx   cu
32:35 RoCKa   n8

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