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[Doubble Team] Jean-Claude: "ach das :)"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match November 17, 2001, 23:21:15
Player [Doubble Team] Jean-Claude
Time November 17, 2001, 23:27:20
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
26:53 [Doubble Team] Rodman T jean?
26:56 [Doubble Team] Jean-Claude   was ist ein icq?
27:00 Langhaariger_Wilder   GO BULLE GO
27:12 [Doubble Team] Rodman T icq, das zum chatten :)
27:13 Langhaariger_Bulle   GO MAD GO
27:20 [Doubble Team] Jean-Claude CT ach das :)
27:20 Langhaariger_Wilder   GO BULLE GO
27:31 [Doubble Team] Jean-Claude T wieso denn?
27:32 [Doubble Team] Rodman T k?
27:50 [Doubble Team] Jean-Claude T nur wenns nicht um meinen beitritt in einen clan geht
28:02 [Doubble Team] Rodman T ,??

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