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-|SoI|- Grinch: ":))"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match November 5, 2001, 19:57:17
Player -|SoI|- Grinch
Time November 5, 2001, 20:27:47
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
27:33 -|SoI|- Grinch   Sorry!
27:35 CC|Kane   hi
27:40 |YY|Guinea_Pig_(Jod) T sven hiho
27:40 Hendrik   Eh YY weisst du ob CORCOR oder LAETITIA noch kommt???
27:40 -|SoI|- Madball   pig wo kommst du weg dein dialeckt is so geil =)
27:47 -|SoI|- Grinch CT :))
27:49 |YY|Guinea_Pig_(Jod) T wo wie was mit gegen 4
27:53 CC|Marvin   hmm
27:56 -|SoI|- Grinch   was war das grad kane?
27:57 klopperkommando of 809 T moin
27:57 -|SoI|- Madball   pig?

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