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highping|badwolf: "heut ab 6 wirds ernst"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match October 31, 2001, 15:11:04
Player highping|badwolf
Time October 31, 2001, 15:22:20
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
21:55 highping|badwolf   kane was los ?
22:04 CC|Kane   musste eax ausmachen
22:10 highping|badwolf   oj
22:17 CC|Kane   meien boxen hat es getade yerissen*gg*
22:18 Eonar   cs ist mausmoerdernt
22:20 highping|badwolf CT heut ab 6 wirds ernst
22:27 highping|badwolf   loel
22:30 AK-EliteByte   lol wir gewinnen
22:36 highping|badwolf   boxenspieler :)
22:54 KillerTomate   alles klar warte nur bis ich mich eingespielt habe und wieder sound habe

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8 Counter-Terrorists - 6 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
KillerTomate 14 4 0 0
Erd[BAER]Kuchen 10 4 0 0
-= Neo =- 7 3 1 0
[PoPP]Calle*Knast 7 5 0 0
][CsN][DayWalker 6 7 0 0
CC|Kane 5 4 1 2
Diamond-Geezer 5 4 0 0
Ferkelwemser 0 2 0 0
  9 Terrorists - 2 Wins
Name Kills Deaths Team Kills Suicides
highping|badwolf 9 6 0 0
AK-EliteByte 8 8 1 0
PRESIDENT SIEFEL -[=666=]- 6 7 0 0
P?ess-L?ft-H?mmer 3 7 0 0
Q_Frutti 3 8 0 0
dirtyhandz 3 8 0 0
jogi_Baer_mit_schiessgewehr 3 8 1 0
Eonar 2 7 0 0
>-=*m3rLiN*=-< 0 2 0 0
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