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-= ABC ALARM =-: "88"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_siege
Match February 28, 2001, 22:27:24
Player -= ABC ALARM =-
Time February 28, 2001, 22:29:14
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
28:57 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   Hoch die Tassen!
29:05 -= ABC ALARM =-   jupp!
29:06 5e|El Jacko   prost
29:06 [mmweg 6] Wasserspritze   prost
29:13 [mmweg 6] Wasserspritze   nur cola
29:14 -= ABC ALARM =- CT 88
29:18 5e|El Jacko   haha
29:22 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   richtig, muss gleich noch fahren
29:22 []AEG[] Glocke   heeeiiiiiiidiiiiiii is in da house....
29:23 [WKA] Heidi Klum   auae
29:32 [WKA] Heidi Klum   juhu

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