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bullets|soulman: "wo ?"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match October 14, 2001, 01:39:11
Player bullets|soulman
Time October 14, 2001, 01:40:21
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
39:45 bullets|soulman T - USP -
39:46 SpecialForcesXMAS   dnake
40:17 |YY|Guinea_Pig_[Jod] T was war das
40:21 bullets|soulman CT wo ?
40:32 SpecialForcesXMAS T camper komm rueber
40:44 bullets|soulman T - USP -
40:44 |YY|Guinea_Pig_[Jod] T bei der kiste am tappetenzimmener
40:49 ][CsN][DayWalker T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:Desert Eagle ***
41:45 SpecialForcesXMAS   der pussykiller kann nix

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