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Pvt. Pile: "brim?"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_torn
Match October 9, 2001, 01:39:01
Player Pvt. Pile
Time October 9, 2001, 02:06:56
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
06:06 -|SoI|- Doc Green   und wisst ihr wie ich das grad gefunden habe?????????????????????
06:11 Pvt. Pile T brim want another
06:14 RanzmitStyle   sry
06:33 ReverenD   ah
06:38 ReverenD T => MP5 Navy <=
06:56 Pvt. Pile CT brim?
06:58 ReverenD   ja toll
07:14 The Rapeist   damn head shot
07:32 Pvt. Pile   lag is to bad
07:35 [JiF]Brimstone   pile u wanna go to a new server...i know a few without alot of lag ok?
07:37 The Rapeist   nextmap

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