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[AXLFANCLUB]Vereinheinz: "<= Restocked: Primary Ammo =>"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_estate
Match October 7, 2001, 16:45:46
Player [AXLFANCLUB]Vereinheinz
Time October 7, 2001, 17:09:17
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
09:01 [AXLFANCLUB]ErSelbst   -- Hey Hey --
09:04 Laetitia [-HoZaT-]   so was barcuh ich net
09:12 CC|Kane   nein
09:13 >-=*m3rLiN*=<   was ?
09:16 [AXLFANCLUB]Vorstand   axl wo wohnst du? (sag nicht zuhause oder sowas)
09:17 [AXLFANCLUB]Vereinheinz CT <= Restocked: Primary Ammo =>
09:17 [u.Sh]arpshooter T << Full Restock - ammo + grenades + defuse + vest >>
09:17 Corvus Corax [-HoZaT-] T (H&K MP5-Navy)
09:17 ][CsN][DayWalker][DAT][ T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON:H&K MP5-Navy ***
09:20 Laetitia [-HoZaT-]   taschentuecher
09:23 [AXLFANCLUB]Vorstand   ?

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