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Ultimate_Gnarf: "vote cs_italy"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_vertigo
Match September 29, 2001, 21:34:04
Player Ultimate_Gnarf
Time September 29, 2001, 22:01:53
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
00:49 Travolta   schrei lach
01:10 +Muschilecken+   boa son lag
01:20 CC|Spadjaari T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Ammo, Granades, Armor and Items ***
01:29 n00b   Visit CC|HLTV! Connect
01:50 Erd[BAER]Kuchen T absolut unglaublich
01:53 Ultimate_Gnarf CT vote cs_italy
02:03 Ultimate_Gnarf   voten!!!
02:04 Erd[BAER]Kuchen   vote cs_italy
02:05 CC|Master T mann, kan einer sprechne_
02:07 Ultimate_Gnarf   voten!!!
02:08 n00b   INS GESICHT

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