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Marf: "sorry"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match August 19, 2001, 19:45:45
Player Marf
Time August 19, 2001, 20:09:18
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
08:59 [ob] Der Doctor   ja und wenn du ihn dann toetest haste das ganzxe team angeschissen
09:07 [ob] Der Doctor   machste also noch schlimmer
09:07 [JoD] Steve   sorry
09:07 SonGohan   stve der absahner
09:13 basecamper   schon tot ??
09:18 Marf CT sorry
09:19 ~[AoA]~ Jack Meoff   Damn Sol
09:20 Marf T THX
09:26 Marf T sorry
09:28 Marf T THX
09:29 Marf T NP

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