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CC|Fastjack: "hehe"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_assault2k
Match February 22, 2001, 21:15:39
Player CC|Fastjack
Time February 22, 2001, 21:22:19
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
22:16 (2)Caimbeul   hohoho
22:16 [TvK]Freddy~Kruger   kewler abgang
22:17 Minirock CT ***-=Colt Power bzw. AK Power=-***
22:17 [mmweg 6] Flitzebogen   auch nich schlecht
22:18 Minirock CT ***-=Nur normale Munition=-***
22:19 CC|Fastjack CT hehe
22:22 CC|Fastjack T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
22:28 (2)Caimbeul   oh geil
22:59 [TvK]Freddy~Kruger   dsa kann net wahr sin
23:22 [TvK]Freddy~Kruger   83 health, 2 schuss aus der mp5 und ne granate !!!
23:30 Der LAG   hahaha nein ich darf mich net mehr bewegen

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