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[-S0NS-]Lou_CypheR: "da rule ich immer so..."

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_highsociety
Match August 9, 2001, 16:02:49
Player [-S0NS-]Lou_CypheR
Time August 9, 2001, 16:29:55
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
29:43 [TheMill] Flitzebogen   vote de_aztec
29:44 rurouni.Kafka[ex-TdC]   vote de_aztec
29:45 -=Iceman=-   vote de_aztec
29:47 Deckungsfeuer   mist base camper
29:49 [-S0NS-]Lou_CypheR   das is emien lieblingsmap...
29:55 [-S0NS-]Lou_CypheR CT da rule ich immer so...
29:57 Schwule Hupe T vote de_actec
29:59 <--Goggi-->   schlecht gefruestuekt
30:03 Schwule Hupe T vote de_aytec
30:05 Deckungsfeuer   vote de_aztec
30:19 [-S0NS-]Lou_CypheR   shinji hat mir emin fruehstiueck gelkaut wies aussieht ;)

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