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[H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=: "wenn cts campenb sind sie mongos"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_cbble
Match August 2, 2001, 15:34:50
Player [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=
Time August 2, 2001, 15:49:59
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
48:47 [S.G.T]Morfer   JUHU
48:48 [S.G.T]Stinky T SAUBER !!!!!!!!!
49:32 [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=   des geht doch nicht !!!!!!!!
49:43 [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=   nut ts duerfen campen
49:48 [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=   nicht ct
49:59 [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[= CT wenn cts campenb sind sie mongos
50:26 [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=   sauba
50:35 [S.G.T]Stinky T SCHEOISSE
50:36 [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=   toll
50:39 [S.G.T]Morfer   Naja egal
51:07 [H18] Soldat Jackson =]z[=   klar!!!!

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