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Player: "lol"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust3
Match February 21, 2001, 18:54:48
Player Player
Time February 21, 2001, 19:01:47
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
00:54 Minirock CT ***-=D E A G L E A C T I O N=-***
00:55 Minirock CT ***-=Nur normale Munition=-***
01:08 CC|Sniper   sorry
01:27 Minirock   voll verrissen
01:41 Player   der mann der toetet auf franzoesisch - wie originell
01:47 Player CT lol
01:48 CC|Sniper   och manno
02:01 --]]GoD[[--*Vollstrecker*   sorry
02:11 Minirock CT ***-=Doh, immer wenn ich kein Geld hab muss die MP5 her=-***
02:11 --]]GoD[[--*Vollstrecker* T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restocked: Ammo ***
02:13 Minirock CT ***-=Nur normale Munition=-***

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