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[APO]+dErPhaRmaZeuT+: "vote de_aldi"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust
Match July 20, 2001, 17:58:48
Player [APO]+dErPhaRmaZeuT+
Time July 20, 2001, 18:28:07
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
27:40 CC|Killabee   kacke
27:40 (1)-=B|B=- Mad Matt   nix....nix......gar nix!!!!!
27:42 ][CsN][HonK   na sag einfach vote de_aldi
28:02 DayWalker@C.i.t.N   bin mal kurz mit hund nicht kicken bitte!!! ok?? killa??
28:02 (1)-=B|B=- Mad Matt   grr -censored- -------
28:07 [APO]+dErPhaRmaZeuT+ CT vote de_aldi
28:08 ][CsN][Axl*Foley[*AFC-]   was amchen die???
28:10 [+DSC+]*Johannes*   sry
28:13 CC|Killabee   toll der legt die Bombe und die anderen rennen weg
28:16 ][CsN][HonK   na kalr doch
28:16 ][CsN][Axl*Foley[*AFC-]   X TREM BASRECAMPIN?

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