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[CS-Gilrz]*Anika*: "***-=STATUS REPORT=- RELOADING! *** "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match July 20, 2001, 01:08:52
Player [CS-Gilrz]*Anika*
Time July 20, 2001, 01:30:04
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
29:24 [Brandaufsicht]FireDevil   TEAMS ihr BLINDFISCHE
29:25 Blaubart[D4U] T Achtung Blitzgranate
29:27 Q_Frutti   --- MUAHAHAHAHAHAH ---
29:30 -=B|B=- BaDWolf   nanwana
29:47 [CS-Gilrz]*Anika* T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- RELOADING! ***
30:04 [CS-Gilrz]*Anika* CT ***-=STATUS REPORT=- RELOADING! ***
30:04 [CS-Girlz]*Jasmine* T ***Wo ist nur mein neues Magazin?***
30:06 [Brandaufsicht]FireDevil   TEAMS IHR BLINDFISCHTERRORS
30:06 ][CsN][Axl*Foley[*AFC-]   Sorry! Nervoeser Finger
30:07 -|SoI|- Tekener   lololol
30:08 =HIV=BananaJoe   TEAMS

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