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[JoD] Steve: "mann was soll die scheisse"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match July 9, 2001, 17:53:41
Player [JoD] Steve
Time July 9, 2001, 18:10:29
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
10:17 ][CsN][***Chicoco***[N&SC] T --- Sorry for tk! ---
10:18 ][CsN][***Chicoco***[N&SC] T --- Sorry for tk! ---
10:19 ][CsN][***Chicoco***[N&SC] T --- Sorry for tk! ---
10:24 _JoD_XXM_Scrull   ragna was geht mit dir ab ?
10:27 +++AK+TRAINING+++   ??????????
10:29 [JoD] Steve CT mann was soll die scheisse
10:31 +++AK+TRAINING+++   was geht denn ab?
10:35 ][CsN][***Chicoco***[N&SC] T --- Sorry for tk! ---
10:44 ][CsN][***Chicoco***[N&SC]   bite forgive
10:45 -=B|B=- Mad Matt   jetzt reichts!!! passt doch bitte mal mit euren verfickten HEs auf!!!!!!!!!!!!! auch du chicoco!!!! der
10:46 CC|Ragnarock   IHR ASSIGEN PENNER

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