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5e|Candy: "wie suess der arme Glocke..."

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_predator
Match June 26, 2001, 22:07:06
Player 5e|Candy
Time June 26, 2001, 22:11:25
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
10:59 no_name   da kriegste nen doppel auge
11:09 -=B|B=- Glocke   ich bin sauer ueber den mapchange
11:13 -=B|B=- Glocke   glaub ich gehe
11:15 5e|Candy   lol
11:18 no_name   ich auch
11:25 5e|Candy CT wie suess der arme Glocke...
11:29 -=B|B=- Glocke   jup
11:30 no_name   wer war das
11:35 Dork T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
12:32 5e|Candy   CAMPER *g*
12:41 -=B|B=- Glocke   dork, ne?

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