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[PORN]Dolly Buster: "lalalala"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aegypt
Match May 18, 2001, 13:34:44
Player [PORN]Dolly Buster
Time May 18, 2001, 13:57:32
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
55:52 -=]BTF|AvEnGeR[=- T Look out! I'm throwing a HE grenade!
56:07 [AFC]*Oetzi*   sorry
56:18 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Look out! I'm throwing a HE grenade!
56:19 -=]BTF|AvEnGeR[=- T forgive tk
56:52 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Watch your eyes, I'm throwing a Flashbang!
57:32 [PORN]Dolly Buster CT lalalala
57:36 [PORN]Dolly Buster   oetzi wieder
57:46 [+DSC+]*Matthaeus*   hatcc jetzt pb??
57:56 name   was ist pb?
57:57 -=]BTF|AvEnGeR[=- T Look out! I'm throwing a HE grenade!
58:03 -=]BTF|AvEnGeR[=- T Watch your eyes, I'm throwing a Flashbang!

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