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-=]BTF|Slayer[=-: "mannmannmann und ich hoer die tuer noch scheiss treppe"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_rocket
Match May 14, 2001, 00:37:09
Player -=]BTF|Slayer[=-
Time May 14, 2001, 00:57:13
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
49:02 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Cover Me, I'm Planting The C4!
52:13 =HIV=BananaJoe   was fuer camper
54:18 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Watch your eyes, I'm throwing a Flashbang!
54:22 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Watch your eyes, I'm throwing a Flashbang!
54:25 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Look out! I'm throwing a HE grenade!
57:13 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- CT mannmannmann und ich hoer die tuer noch scheiss treppe
58:37 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Watch your eyes, I'm throwing a Flashbang!
58:49 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Look out! I'm throwing a HE grenade!
00:39 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Look out! I'm throwing a HE grenade!
00:59 VenusMoerder   ich bin dann mal weg...CU all...
01:03 -=]BTF|Slayer[=-   cu

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