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John McClanes Undershirt: "cs_aldi2k"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_oriental
Match May 14, 2001, 00:06:24
Player John McClanes Undershirt
Time May 14, 2001, 00:31:05
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
30:04 Mork von Ork   forgive tk
30:36 John McClanes Undershirt   beinahe-base-camper-sau
30:39 John McClanes Undershirt   :)
30:43 Calypso T :)
30:55 Calypso   wasspielen wir gleich?
31:05 John McClanes Undershirt CT cs_aldi2k
31:09 VenusMoerder   jepp...aber nur, weil ich eben gegen deine mp5 verloren hab... :-)
31:10 Calypso   hmmm...
31:31 John McClanes Undershirt   oder high_society da hab ich heut gerult :)
31:45 Calypso T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: AK-47 bzw Colt M4A1 Carbine ***
32:08 -=]BTF|Slayer[=- T Look out! I'm throwing a HE grenade!

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