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CC|Nodens: "aztec suckzz"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match May 1, 2001, 20:19:07
Player CC|Nodens
Time May 1, 2001, 20:36:10
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
35:24 firewarxx   ---------> NBK'z Rulez <---------
35:29 firewarxx   We're the BIGGEST, the BEST, BETTER then the REST, BETTER then the BEST
35:30 firewarxx   We're the BIGGEST, the BEST, BETTER then the REST, BETTER then the BEST
35:31 firewarxx   We're the BIGGEST, the BEST, BETTER then the REST, BETTER then the BEST
35:32 firewarxx   We're the BIGGEST, the BEST, BETTER then the REST, BETTER then the BEST
36:10 CC|Nodens CT aztec suckzz
36:23 [HHG]DocMartin   machen mir dust?
36:26 CC|Ragnarock   sicher
36:35 CC|Nodens   ragna vote gleich tpoint
36:39 CC|Ragnarock   jo
36:40 CC|Nodens   pls

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