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[JoD] Guinea_Pig: "tocha was hast du fuer ein prob?"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match April 30, 2001, 20:50:52
Player [JoD] Guinea_Pig
Time April 30, 2001, 20:57:18
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
57:07 [AA]Tocha   baohh eh
57:08 5e|K@ne   ok
57:09 [-SONS-] Shinji_Ikari T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
57:11 [-SONS-] Art of War T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
57:15 5e|K@ne   ich bin jetzt eh gleich weg
57:18 [JoD] Guinea_Pig CT tocha was hast du fuer ein prob?
57:20 5e|K@ne   dann geh ich was frueher
57:23 5e|K@ne   also CU @ll
57:24 5e|K@ne   cu ragna
57:26 5e|K@ne   cu tocha
57:29 5e|K@ne   cu johann

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