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5e|K@ne: "vote cs_militia"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_ratsxl
Match April 26, 2001, 18:16:49
Player 5e|K@ne
Time April 26, 2001, 18:43:02
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
42:53 5e|K@ne   mann egal
42:54 CC|medved   vote cs_militia
42:57 5e|K@ne   ok dann sach was
42:57 Warbeast@C.i.t.N   k
43:02 Warbeast@C.i.t.N   militia
43:02 5e|K@ne CT vote cs_militia
43:08 [-SONS-] Shinji_Ikari T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
43:08 [-[D.X.B]-] -=weedhat=-   eh man bist du noch drin markman ????
43:09 -|SoI|- Mercenary T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: FN m249 Para ***
43:09 CC|medved   danke kane
43:10 5e|K@ne   besser als dieser dreck

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