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=[] JJ []= Iceman: "teams plz"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match April 16, 2001, 13:58:44
Player =[] JJ []= Iceman
Time April 16, 2001, 14:10:43
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
09:15 [AA]Tocha   ach cu all
09:16 [J.O.s]Soft-EGG   hammer heftiger ruckelattack
09:25 [AA]Tocha   lagt zu doll gerade
09:31 [J.O.s]Soft-EGG   kann gar nicht yilen unmoeglich!
09:46 Steve [JoD]   macht mal teams mann
10:43 =[] JJ []= Iceman CT teams plz
11:03 =[] JJ []= Iceman   teams verdammt
11:09 Steve [JoD]   teams mann
11:14 [J.O.s]Ali   Sorry
11:17 Steve [JoD]   was soll die scheisse
12:18 Steve [JoD]   echt geil 9 gegen 5 ihr seid helden

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