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[WKA] Jar Jar Binks: ">>>Restocked: primary ammmo<<<"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_rats
Match February 14, 2001, 03:59:19
Player [WKA] Jar Jar Binks
Time February 14, 2001, 04:13:00
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
11:35 [PoD]LSD   i'm pissed now
11:40 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks   hehe
11:42 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks T >>>Zur Sicherheit: KEVLAR & HELMET<<<
12:00 [WKA] Doc Green   ach keine awp?
12:10 [WKA] Doc Green   sieht mir auch so aus
13:00 [WKA] Jar Jar Binks CT >>>Restocked: primary ammmo<<<
13:04 [mmw6]Luftgewehr   was fuer ein geiles team habe ich denn?
14:02 [WKA] Doc Green   jar jetzt mache ich mir gedanken
14:54 [PoD]LSD   switch back kyle
15:04 evman23   awps should be banned
15:06 [PoD]LSD   thx

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