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[N&SC]Big Fr@dy: "timeleft "

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_ncruins2
Match April 7, 2001, 20:13:39
Player [N&SC]Big Fr@dy
Time April 7, 2001, 20:39:57
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
39:49 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy   timeleft
39:50 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy   timeleft
39:51 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy   timeleft
39:52 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy   timeleft
39:56 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy   timeleft
39:57 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy CT timeleft
39:58 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- HE-Grenade, Smokegrenade, 2Flashbangs ***
39:58 Mal sehen, wann mein HL abstuer   3 minuten, cool
39:59 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: H&K MP5-Navy ***
39:59 [N&SC]Big Fr@dy T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- WEAPON: Desert Eagle ***
40:49 ger-holiday   so ich geh jetzt viel spass noch

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