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-|Sol|- Tekener *t*: "okidok"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_office
Match April 5, 2001, 21:56:01
Player -|Sol|- Tekener *t*
Time April 5, 2001, 22:21:28
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
21:19 RD_ChampioN T alle nach vorne rushen
21:23 -|Sol|- Tekener *t*   vote de_dust2
21:25 RD_ChampioN   rechts
21:26 CC|Sniper   ne
21:27 heute ein loser   vote extend
21:28 -|Sol|- Tekener *t* CT okidok
21:30 Judge_Judy   vote extend
21:31 [*GoF*]MrChri$ T wieder den gang da hoch
21:38 RD_ChampioN T jo
21:39 Gilgamesch   welche nummer
21:44 -|Sol|- Tekener *t*   vote de_dust2

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