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[-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger***: "gemessert"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_scud_2k1
Match March 31, 2001, 14:58:37
Player [-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger***
Time March 31, 2001, 15:27:51
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
26:07 [-SONS-] Shinji_Ikari   uns fehlt einer
26:30 [=DSC=]DAY WALKER   vote de_renge
26:42 [=DSC=]DAY WALKER   vote de_revenge
27:02 [-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger*** T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
27:05 [-SONS-] Shinji_Ikari T ***-=STATUS REPORT=- Restored Ammo, Grenades and Armor ***
27:51 [-SONS-]***Sir_Dodger*** CT gemessert

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