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EoD | Ze_Tr@nQueR@: "I am Brazilin !! my father is Pele !!! play Soccer !!!! King Paly soccer !!! BRAZILIAN !!!!!!!"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_office
Match November 23, 2003, 18:07:04
Player EoD | Ze_Tr@nQueR@
Time November 23, 2003, 18:08:03
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
08:03 EoD | Ze_Tr@nQueR@ CT I am Brazilin !! my father is Pele !!! play Soccer !!!! King Paly soccer !!! BRAZILIAN !!!!!!!
08:06 EoD | Ze_Tr@nQueR@   nemo !! I am Brazilian !!! my fhater is Pele king play soccer !!!
08:12 EoD | Ze_Tr@nQueR@   nemo !! I am Brazilian !!! my fhater is Pele king play soccer !!!
08:22 @NeMo Der Fisch   ok my friend i have understand you
09:39 EoD | Ze_Tr@nQueR@   Capt you cheater !!!!
10:09 EoD | Ze_Tr@nQueR@   nemo speak portuguese !!!

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