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#GrT.l!tH | ToXiscH: "-= STATUS: 2 Flashs+Kevlar+Helm+Munition+Defuse Kit =-"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_italy
Match November 13, 2003, 20:40:23
Player #GrT.l!tH | ToXiscH
Time November 13, 2003, 20:45:41
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
45:30 $amanta   neinrofl
45:35 v!oletta   hehe
45:35 #GrT.l!tH | ToXiscH T -= Muss ma Rel0aderN =-
45:37 v!oletta   1 eben
45:37 $amanta T chde
45:41 #GrT.l!tH | ToXiscH CT -= STATUS: 2 Flashs+Kevlar+Helm+Munition+Defuse Kit =-
45:44 bon!to   ahe???
45:45 $amanta   was is das enn
45:52 bon!to   kp
46:16 #GrT.l!tH | ToXiscH T -= Muss ma Rel0aderN =-
46:27 #GrT.l!tH | Smok3y.Jo T -= Muss nachladen... Gib mir Deckung!! =-

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