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TomatenFisch: "loel"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_aztec
Match October 26, 2003, 21:26:56
Player TomatenFisch
Time October 26, 2003, 21:49:32
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
49:16 ~abs!nth //77.7 T wollt eh nur scout und net awp
49:16 |YY|MR.MO   und holl dein YY logo raus!!
49:23 ~abs!nth //77.7 T sach lieber marvin....
49:24 -LsR |YY| Raptoerchen   ja genau
49:30 ~abs!nth //77.7   ^^
49:32 TomatenFisch CT loel
49:32 Neophyte   lol
49:33 ~abs!nth //33.3 T was sagen??
49:37 ~abs!nth //77.7   egal
50:37 ~abs!nth //55.5 T n1 ^^
50:41 ~abs!nth //77.7 T geht doch :P

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