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just a player: "gemerkt"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match October 26, 2003, 19:54:44
Player just a player
Time October 26, 2003, 20:10:10
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
09:03 >king_pommes<   du musst das nit wissen
09:35 >king_pommes<   ja nasreas weil du yu gut bst
09:57 just a player   lucker
09:59 just a player   :)
10:04 SPHINX   bist schoen reingelaufen gg
10:10 just a player CT gemerkt
10:39 >king_pommes<   wie is dat
10:41 TOT   f u c k
11:19 Fleischmann   andi komm rueber und sag was mit klems is
11:38 Fleischmann   andi komm rueber und ach was mitklems is
12:36 [ToBo] von Feilkloben   hi alle

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