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>king_pommes<: "jochen andeas is der betse von und in cs"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match October 26, 2003, 19:54:44
Player >king_pommes<
Time October 26, 2003, 20:04:51
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
04:27 >king_pommes<   ch denk du bist so gut
04:28 Hanswurst T .:|Status Report: Reloading|:.
04:32 Hanswurst T .:|Status Report: Weapon/Bomb dropped|:.
04:42 >king_pommes<   andeas warum bist du denn so gut
04:46 Hanswurst   scheiss lag
04:51 >king_pommes< CT jochen andeas is der betse von und in cs
05:19 Fleischmann   huhu dani
05:20 Hanswurst   joche ist ne schwuchell
05:30 >king_pommes<   jochen
05:39 >king_pommes<   andeas isd er beste von und oder
05:48 Styla   ne du

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