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- ReTrY: "so jez :D"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match October 18, 2003, 16:55:37
Player - ReTrY
Time October 18, 2003, 16:57:14
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
56:26 ???@KaLL!@589 T -=Reload. NeeD Backup plz=-
56:40 ???@KaLL!@589 T -=Reload. NeeD Backup plz=-
56:45 - ReTrY   lass mich mal einzoggen! :D
56:47 ???@KaLL!@589   kk
57:10 ???@KaLL!@589   /rank
57:14 - ReTrY CT so jez :D
57:26 ???@KaLL!@589 T -=Reload. NeeD Backup plz=-
59:03 - ReTrY   sry! abgekackt!
59:19 ???@KaLL!@589   hp?
59:22 - ReTrY   29?>
59:30 ???@KaLL!@589 T -=Reload. NeeD Backup plz=-

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