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Kirk: "noe"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map cs_rio
Match October 7, 2003, 21:40:23
Player Kirk
Time October 7, 2003, 21:48:57
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
48:35 Kirk   ich kann doch eh nix
48:37 -]NBK[-Trisomie T Need Backup! I reload now!
48:48 -]NBK[-Trisomie   bist auf normalen maps wie aztec viel besser
48:49 -]NBK[-Trisomie T .:] Full Ammo [:.
48:51 -]NBK[-Trisomie T .:] Smoke-Granad [:.
48:57 Kirk CT noe
49:14 -]NBK[-Trisomie   was haben wir den da gemacht
49:16 -]NBK[-Trisomie T .:] Full Ammo [:.
49:45 Kirk   cu
49:46 -]NBK[-Trisomie T .:] Ak47 / Colt + Equipment [:.
49:53 -]NBK[-Trisomie   na toll

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