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- improving -: "MOMENT"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map fy_iceworld2k
Match October 6, 2003, 13:50:00
Player - improving -
Time October 6, 2003, 14:06:53
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
06:31 - improving -   momenbt
06:37 - improving -   soll ich demo machen?
06:40 -=]L|B[=-KIFFBOB@warmup   jo
06:41 - improving -   MOMENT
06:50 - improving -   HEY MONET!
06:53 - improving - CT MOMENT
06:57 -=]L|B[=-KIFFBOB@warmup   warte
06:58 - improving -   k?
07:06 -=]L|B[=-KIFFBOB@warmup   jo
07:20 -=]L|B[=-KIFFBOB@warmup T was
07:28 -=]L|B[=-KIFFBOB@warmup T das is ein aimbot aber 100 pro

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