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Syd 7.1: "not bad boot not bad"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_dust2
Match October 5, 2003, 16:49:27
Player Syd 7.1
Time October 5, 2003, 17:16:12
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
15:07 .::|K-PA|::. ][-CreW-][   JODER K PUTA SETA DE MIERDA
15:15 .::|K-PA|::. ][-MaGn0-][ T ya he hecho bastante
15:48 Syd 7.1   not blind?
15:57 MUHA   nope turned around...
16:01 Syd 7.1   mhhh
16:12 Syd 7.1 CT not bad boot not bad
16:22 Buschi T **P90 wenns ma laenger dauert**
17:02 -]AbC[- T nich immer ta !!!
17:03 Buschi T **MP5 klein aba fein**
17:32 -]AbC[-   boa ueberall die camper
18:05 MUHA   lol

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