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kanu@deagletr4in: "nich?"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_cbble
Match September 1, 2003, 21:38:18
Player kanu@deagletr4in
Time September 1, 2003, 21:40:28
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
39:01 k40Z@AKtrain   *- ! kk ! Sicher Datt ! -*
39:03 kanu@deagletr4in T -----> Gooooooooooooooooooo! Strom the Front!
39:42 kanu@deagletr4in T -----> BomB A!
40:15 kanu@deagletr4in   roffel
40:21 k40Z@AKtrain   jo
40:28 kanu@deagletr4in CT nich?
40:34 k40Z@AKtrain T doch is roffl
40:40 kanu@deagletr4in T :DF
41:02 Arwen T bobe b
41:06 Arwen T m
43:38 kanu@deagletr4in   wat isn mit dem prinz ?

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