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r0ckY`-: "alda was geht den hier mim ping?"

Server ConCarne's HotChilli Counterstrike Server
Map de_inferno
Match August 28, 2003, 20:04:23
Player r0ckY`-
Time August 28, 2003, 20:19:53
Channel CTs
Time Player Team Text
18:22 [FAKE]BloodRaven T cover me reload 243
18:47 UeB   aaaa ich treff nix
18:48 god bless america T Ak/M4
18:48 [FAKE]BloodRaven T A W P
18:49 [FAKE]BloodRaven T DEAGLETIME!!!
19:53 r0ckY`- CT alda was geht den hier mim ping?
19:58 oi.jar jar   huhu horst :D
20:00 [FAKE]BloodRaven T A W P
20:10 *babba*   die sollten ihn abschalten
20:18 *babba*   nur lag auf dem server
21:11 [FAKE]DIGGER   timeleft

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